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Laura Eisenhower is a Researcher, Author and an Astrologer. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers and experts on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Astrology and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint (Christ-Sophia)and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.
Cosmic Gaia Subscription ~ For $15 dollars a month, get at least 2 - Zoom Events a month and check in readings (if you can't make the zoom calls), discounted longer sessions and events. Jemaa Soncire and I are doing much together here! CLICK THE PICTURE TO FIND OUT MORE! Podbean and Cosmic Gaia are the same. More interviews will be posted there, now that this is the only Subscription I do now.
Join our Youtube Channel for roundtables, discussion, guided meditations and life changing products and where to find our censorship free platforms! Dr. Norhrup is an example of one of our many guests. 7k Gold and Silver and interviews will be made available soon!
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I have felt a calling since I was a child, to protect the organic Ascension timeline and was prepared early on for the window period called the Stellar Activation cycle, 2000-2017 and other cycles following, to help others to embody the divine template of Sacred union. This greater love story exists within our DNA, Earth grids and Multi-dimensional Cosmos.
There has been great opposition, Timeline manipulation and hidden agendas that use dark technologies and operations to stop this. The lengths that certain hostile beings have gone to, to keep us compromised and enslaved, is more than most people can handle hearing about. What it takes to keep these agendas in tact are criminal and in violation of basic human rights. This is a time of Disclosure and my piece has to do with exposing an attempted recruitment I went through, to go off planet to a Mars Colony in 2006 and also in revealing the energies and Galactic History of the Great Cosmic and Earth Mother, who is supporting our growth as we heal, activate and transform together - into the Crystalline Silicate Matrix.
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